Dear Pastor,
Please allow me to introduce to you the My World, My Mission Outreach. My World, My Mission is a strategic and intentional time that we set aside for you to reach the lost in your church's relational circle. It can be 30-days or whatever time frame works for you and your fellowship.
Oikos Evangelism (Oikos: Greek for household) is by far the most effective way to reach people for Christ anywhere in the world. This outreach will begin with a "Commissioning Sunday" where I will explain what the Oikos way of life is and ask them to set aside a special time of strategic intentionality to reach those who are inside their circle of influence or "Oikos".
Our outreach is designed to be flexible to meet the needs of the organization, its pastor, and the congregation. Jerry M Ministries offers the option for evangelist Jerry to come back and end the outreach with a "Celebration Sunday" to preach a salvation message with the intention
of bringing those that we have been sharing Christ with during the alloted time to Jesus. This service can also of course be led by the church's pastor. We simply offer the final Sunday as an option.
Jerry M Ministries, with over 42-years of ministry experience in the pastorate as well as evangelism will come alongside of you offering strategic and creative ways to implement this outreach and to equip those participating during our time together.
Pastor Jerry also has a Youtube channel under "Jerry M Ministries - My World, My Mission" to teach the foundational principles of Oikos and the Oikos way of life.
Please contact our ministry today and get on the calendar by calling 731-607-2934 and feel free to visit our website at
Thank you for all you do in and for His name.
1. We set aside this period to strategically and intentionally share the Gospel and lead those within our circle of influence or Oikos to Christ.
2. Knowing the urgency of the Hour, the worth of a soul, and the reality of eternity without Christ, we commit this time to the task at hand.
3. We will make a list of those who are within our circle and contact them either by personal visit, phone call, text, and or by mail within during the alloted time.
4. We will make every effort to get them to come to our Celebration Sunday service, and or any other special services.
5. We will stay in contact with them as often as possible and mentor those who come to Christ in our Circle.
6. We will cultivate this mindset of reaching and winning the lost into our life’s priorities and lifestyle.